Battle Rope: Discover its Benefits

The Battle Rope or Rope Training is a training method that offers a great variety of benefits to work on our physical abilities.

What is it

The Battle Rope or Rope Training is a tool of popular education (Mahadevan, 2018; Calatayud et al., 2015), studied for more than 30 years (Calatayud et al., 2015), created and developed by John Brookfield, owner of multiple world records and author of the famous book Mastery of Hand Strength (Antony, Maheswri & Palanisamy, 2015).

This means of work has acquired relevance as an element of training aimed at improvement of physical conditions in the field of health , performance and sports training (Calatayud et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2018a).

Specifically, the Bat tle Rope is based on the creation of a dynamic double force effect, which uses and exploits the force of gravity and the force created by the waves of the rope to amplify and improve the physiological response of all systems (Panchabhai & Kulkarni, 2019). / strong>

Battle Rope Features

Variations specific to physical training can offer various benefits to athletes, including:

  • Improved specific movements of sport.
  • Increase grip strength .
  • Tackling the problems of unilateral deficit (Langford et al., 2019).

In particular, this training medium is characterized by (Calatayud et al., 2015 ; Chen et al., 2018a; Antony, Maheswri & Palanisamy, 2015; Mahadevan, 2018):

  • Generation of high intensity intervals.
  • Low impact.
  • Involvement of the limb kinetic chain upper, middle and lower.
  • Production of maximum execution speed.
  • Development of different manifestations of strength and resistance.
  • Adaptability of movements and techniques.

Allenamento con corde

On the other hand, The Battle Rope is determined by ropes of shapes, sizes and different weights , which influence the extent of the training.

In particular, previous literature reported that the traditional Battle Rope varies between 9 and 16 kg in mass, between 12 and 15 m in length and 3-5 cm in diameter (Langford et al., 2019 ; Antony, Maheswri & Palanisamy, 2015).


Given the lack of evidence kinematics that analyze the technical gestures performed during the different exercises using the Battle Rope, it could be said that the technical description depends on the type of exercise.

However, it is possible to mention a set of common points and keys (Langford et al., 2019):

General starting position

  • The feet should be at shoulder height.
  • The knees are semi-flexed.
  • The trunk must be stiff and straight.
  • The spine vertebral body maintains its normal physiological curvatures.
  • The subject can hold the end of the rope with one or both hands.

Anchoring the rope

  • The rope must be anchored to a safe and immobile object.
  • The anchor will be positioned around the center of the rope, allowing uniform lengths on both sides with minimal play.

Wave training

The technique of the exercise will vary according to the type of exercise

Rope Slams: ascending-descending, simultaneous and bilateral movement of the upper and / or lower limb.

Alternating Waves: ascending-descending, alternative and bilateral movement of the upper and / or lower limb.

Alternanting Scissors: medial-lateral, simultaneous and bilateral movement of the upper limb.

Alternating Cicles: circular, alternative and bilateral or unilateral movement of the upper limb .

Positions and movements to avoid

    • Excessive Values ​​and Various.
    • Internal rotations hip.
    • Hyperflexion or Hypertension of the knee.
    • Passive and unstable scapular and pelvic girdle.
    • Hyperflexion and Hypertension of the neck.

Incorrect grip of the rope.


Is the Battle Rope useful?

This type of training has different functions as a sports training tool, applicable in the field of health and sports performance with high adaptability to all types of population:


Increase in grip strength and vital capacity through a high intensity in school athletes (Antony, Maheswri & Palanisamy, 2015).

Significant improvements in biochemical variables (triglycerides and hemoglobin) and physiological (frequency respiratory and vital capacity) using a high intensity protocol in male university athletes (Antony and Palanisamy, 2016).

Encourage effective training to overload muscles to improve muscle strength in healthy, active subjects (Iwen et al., 2020).

Muscle endurance

The Slam Waves Battle Rope is an effective exercise to increase arm muscle endurance and an effective Up Down Waves battle rope to improve arm muscle strength, in a student population extracurricular boxing SMED 3 Kediri (Briyan et al., 2020).

Optimal stimulus to improve cardiorespiratory endurance under the guidance of ACSM.

Unilateral training

The Unilateral Alternating Waves Battle Rope have a high activation request (51-73% MVIC) for the external oblique, while the bilateral wave battle chord focuses more on the lumbar musculature (51-73 % MVIC).

Both exercises also provide the same stimulation for the adductor muscles and the gluteus maximus muscle.

Increase musculoskeletal activity of the lower leg (gastrocnemius), part upper leg (vastus medial and vastus lateralis), trunk (rectus abdominis and multifidus) and arms brachial biceps and brachial triceps).

Multiple dimensions of physical condition

Aerobic capacity, anaerobic power of the upper limb, power of the upper and lower limbs, core endurance and shooting accuracy, in well-trained basketball players (Chen et al., 2018a).

Adequate pre-training tool with the aim of developing or strengthening technical skills in conditions of fatigue in well trained basketball players (Chen et al., 2018b):

  • Avoid Battle Rope before recurring or tactical sessions .
  • One 30 ′ Battle Rope session reduces the accuracy of fire and the speed of the chest passage, increasing blood lactate, RPE and perceived muscle pain levels.

Classified as high intensity exercise in healthy individuals and active (Iwen, 2019).

Forza di presa

Lines Battle Rope Organizational Guide

Taking as a reference the guidelines that guide coaches on the direction and management that must be followed by the sports training process (principles of training) and the tests discussed above, 8 organizational keys will be specified for correct management and of the methodology and planning of training through the use of the Battle Rope.

Principle that initiates and guarantees the adaptation

The correct management of the training will offer an effective, efficient and safe alternative for untrained people with previous pathologies.

Load principle

Suitable alternative to increase various parameters of load through different training contents: strength, endurance and speed.

Principle of specificity and transfer of training

High similarity and transfer with various sports movements.

  • Unilateral Alternating Waves Battle Rope and combat sports .
  • Slam Waves Battle Rope and Up Down Waves Battle Rope in the Football.
  • Bilateral Waves Battle Rope and the Handball.
  • Battle Rope with WBV and theWindsurf.

Multilateral principle

Ability to develop training sessions in alternative unilateral or bilateral conditions.

Alta intensità

Principle of individualization

High adaptability to the individual and to his physical, physiological, psychological and social characteristics.

Principle of progressive overload

Simple and practical element for the systematic progression of load or complexity in one or several sessions, microcycles and mesocycles.

Principle of effective stimulation for training

The tests demonstrated the effectiveness of the Battle Rope in:

  • Grip strength.
  • Endurance and muscle strength in the arms.
  • Biochemical variables.
  • Vital capacity.
  • Respiratory rate.
  • Aerobic capacity.
  • Anaerobic power of the upper limb and lower.
  • VO2 maximum.
  • Accuracy of the shot.

Principle of variety

There are several exercise proposals that coaches or users can select and alternate.

  • Bilateral and Unilateral Waves.
  • Alternating Scissors.
  • Alternating Circles.
  • Bilateral and Unilateral Waves integrated with Plyometry.
  • Weighted Waves, Scissors and Circles.

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